
Whatever it Takes is Leicester’s city-wide initiative to get every child in Leicester reading. It has been in operation since 2010 and is funded by schools. The initiative is a collaborative approach focused on raising literacy levels across the city and dedicated to ensuring that, as a city, we are ALL reading for pleasure.

Why was WiT created?

WiT began in 2010 because research and data showed:

  • Around 25% of children in Leicester did not attain their age-related standard for reading at the end of primary school.
  • Each year around 350 children transferred to Year 7 below NC level 3, costing secondary schools an extra £1min additional support.
  • The average cost to the public purse for each individual without functional literacy (up to age 37) is estimated to be between £44,000 to £53,000 per year.

What happened next?

WiT was formed as a partnership between Schools Forum, Leicester Primary Partnership (previously City Primary Heads), Secondary Education Improvement Partnership, Leicester City Council, NUT and the SDSA. Together they established a 10 year strategy dedicated to creating city-wide momentum around the teaching and enjoyment of reading. 

14 years on...

WiT continues to successfully co-ordinate central events, training and projects for schools which aim to:

  • Provide inspiration and contribute to helping build a positive reading culture.
  • Support the training and development of staff in schools who lead, teach and support reading activities.
  • Help schools provide effective, targeted work for some of their more vulnerable learners.
  • Provide better value for schools through the benefits of economies of scale when schools work together.

Dedicated project work and effective planning by reading practitioners secure a sense of purpose and value for money across these projects that contribute to WIT’s continuing success.

Working in Partnership

Leicester Libraries Neighbourhood Services and Creative Learning Services (CLS) have been a key supporter of the Whatever it Takes initiative since its launch in 2010. Their support and contributions have been, and continue to be, invaluable to the success of the initiative.

For more information about specific projects and events please take the time to browse our website.

For any questions, please either email wit@sdsa.net or call 0116 299 5942.