Whatever It Takes

...to get every child in Leicester reading!

Whatever it Takes (WiT) is the Leicester City School’s initiative to get every child in Leicester reading. The initiative is a collaborative approach to tackling low literacy levels across the city and is dedicated to ensuring that, as a city, we are reading for pleasure.

Support the training and development of staff in schools who lead, teach and support reading.

Help schools provide effective, targeted work for some of their more vulnerable learners.

Provide inspiration and contribute to helping build a positive reading culture.

Provide better value through the economies of scale when schools work together.

Latest News

Picture This: The Power of Visual Texts to Inspire Critical Thinking and Connections at KS1 and KS2
Our last Reading Champions' Conference this academic year will take place on Wednesday 18th June 2025 and will focus on
New podcast about informal book talk
OURfP’s Teresa Cremin and Helen Hendry joined Geoff Barton, Chair of the Commission on the Future of Oracy Education in
The Reading Framework
Check out the updated Reading Framework below. Section 8 of the guidance focuses on developing a reading for pleasure culture.

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